FSc ICS FA Intermediate English Parts of Speech Types of Adverb

FSc ICS FA Intermediate English Parts of Speech Types of Adverb


A word or groups of words that qualifies anything accept a noun or a pronoun is called adverb. It is a word that is used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause, or another verb. e.g. He ran fast. Please talk sensibly.

Adverbs are classified on the basis of information it gives.

Types of Adverb

  • Simple Adverb
  • Interrogative Adverb
  • Relative Adverb

Simple Adverb
Simple Adverb is classified into:

Adverb of manner
Adverb of manner tells us about manner of how something is done or happens in the sentence. The adverb which answer the questions how or in what manner. Such types of adverb end with ‘ly’ such as cheerfully, badly, quickly, etc.
Adverb of Place
Adverb of place tells us about the where something is done or happens in the sentence. This type of adverb which answer the question ‘where’. e.g. here, outside, above, inside, etc.
Adverb of time
Adverb of time tells us about time of happenings or time of something is done in the sentence. These type of adverb answer the question ’when’. Adverbs of time are already, afterwards, immediately, always, last month, etc.
Adverb of frequency
Adverb of frequency tells us about how often something is done or happens is the sentence. The adverb which answers the questions ‘how often’. e.g. again, frequently, generally, ever, hardly ever, nearly, nearly always, always, occasionally, often, rarely, etc.
Adverb of Quantity
Adverb of frequency tells us about the level or extent of something is done or happens is the sentence. The adverb which answers the questions ‘to what extent’, ‘to what degree’, or ‘how much’. e.g. almost, nearly, quite, much, really, too, very, so, etc.

Interrogative Adverb
Interrogative adverb is used to ask questions. These includes why, when, where and how. When did he come? Where is your brother?

Relative Adverb
When interrogative adverbs are used in a ‘relative sense’. They are called relative adverb. These includes when, where and why. This is where we play. This is the place where we met.

Written by: Asad Hussain

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