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Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS English XII Synonyms Louis Pasteur

Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS English XII Synonyms Louis Pasteur 2nd Year English Notes Online Taleem Ilmi Hub Class 12th

Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS English XII Synonyms Louis Pasteur fsc notes

Note: To find Synonyms of other Chapter please click on this link English Part II

  1. Humble lowly, meek, unassuming
  2. Conscripts recruits, levy, enlistee, draftee
  3. Valour fearlessness, bravery, pluck, mettle
  4. Fidelity loyalty, faithfulness, commitment, constancy
  5. Forbears ancestors, forerunner, precursor, antecedent
  6. Upheaved disturbed, disordered, chaotic, troubled
  7. Verge edge, border, margin, boundary
  8. Exceedingly greatly, immensely, tremendously, unusually
  9. Evidence proof, affirmation, information
  10. Devotion commitment, loyalty, dedication
  11. Patriot nationalist
  12. Promptly eagerly, instantly, immediately
  13. Physical bodily, corporal
  14. Drain burden, weight, difficulty, obligation
  15. In earnest seriously, intensely, zealously, sincerely
  16. Devoted dedicated, committed, applied
  17. Directly straight away, immediately, right away
  18. Grasped understood, perceived, realized
  19. Provision facilities, prospects, arrangement, allowances
  20. Arbitration decision, judgment, settlement, adjudication
  21. Embarrass upset, annoys, agitate
  22. Disapproved disagreed, disallowed, denounced
  23. Buried engrossed, busied, occupied
  24. Ceremony function, party, celebration
  25. Settled decided, resolved, solved
  26. Once and for all decisively, finally, permanent
  27. Adversaries opponent, attacker, competitor, challenge
  28. Reasonably wisely, logically, judiciously
  29. Stimulated provoked, excited, motivated
  30. Loathing hatred, aversion, abhorrence, disgust
  31. Plunged engaged
  32. Anxiety worry, tension, annoyance
  33. Odious ugly, disgusting, repulsive, horrible
  34. Patronage support, sponsorship, backing, assistance
  35. Execration curses, hatred, damnation, malediction
  36. Parchment diploma, vellum, paper, document
  37. Offended enraged, upset
  38. Doomed damned, condemned, cursed
  39. Brewing fermentation, liquor, beer ale,
  40. Imparted passed on, communicated, bestowed, granted
  41. Unconquerable insurmountable, invincible, invulnerable
  42. Illuminating bright, enlightening, educating
  43. Indemnity compensation, loss, payment, recompense
  44. Inflammation soreness, infection, festering
  45. Amputation cutting of body parts, removal, cut off, severing of body parts
  46. Resort means, source of help, alternative, recourse
  47. Stop abort, restrict, end
  48. Unwilling averse, hesitant, reluctant
  49. Desperate reckless, hopeless, crucial
  50. Averted prevented, stopped, halted, escaped
  51. Wondering curious, inquisitive, guessing
  52. Excluded expelled, barred, blocked
  53. Devastating destroying, demolishing, overwhelming, spoiling
  54. Peasantry farmers, rustics, small farmers, agricultural labourer
  55. Rearing breeding, bringing up, raising, nurturing
  56. Soaked drenched, wet, bathe
  57. Tends aims, leads, inclines
  58. Rigorously sternly, properly, carefully
  59. Disinfected sterilized, cleaned, cleansed, sanitized
  60. Viz in other words
  61. Investigation exploration, inquest, research
  62. Epidemic outbreak, scourge, spread
  63. Set aside allocated, reserved, consigned
  64. Flourished progressed, thrived, blossomed, prospered
  65. Ruin bankruptcy, destruction, loss, insolvency
  66. Pleaded claimed, stated, asserted, professed
  67. Reluctance hesitation, unwillingness, distaste, aversion
  68. Descendants children, progeny, offspring
  69. Driven compelled, forced, impelled
  70. Ruin devastation, bankruptcy, collapse
  71. Coupled combined, mixed, joined
  72. Overcame overpower, dominated, conquered
  73. Liable expose, open to, subject to, at risk of
  74. Remedy cure, solution, antidote
  75. Reassure assure, console, encourage
  76. Directed focused, diverted
  77. Attributed ascribed, assigned, give credit to, blamed
  78. Providentially luckily, blessedly, fortunately, by good fortune
  79. Cultivated grew, raised, produced, brought on
  80. Estimated calculated, approximated, believed
  81. Shook off got rid of, rejected, averted
  82. Preventive deterrent, defending, precautionary
  83. Cultivated grew, developed, bred
  84. Deadly fatal, lethal, poisonous
  85. Safeguarded protected, defended, shielded
  86. Appalling shocking, horrifyingly, frightful, terrible
  87. Descanting talking at length, expanding on, speaking in detail, elaborating
  88. Connection association, relevance, link
  89. Eloquently articulately, fluently, expressively
  90. Interrupted broke in, chimed in, cut off
  91. Superiority authority, domination, command
  92. Epidemics spread, growth, outbreak
  93. Inoculated injected, jabbed, immunized, vaccinated
  94. Attenuating weakening, impairing, reducing, diminishing
  95. Proceeded advanced, moved on, progressed
  96. Lot load, pack group
  97. Dosed doped, medicated, treated
  98. Exhausted weakened, attenuated
  99. Spasms fits of severed pain, contraction, convulsion, twitching
  100. Shudders convision, shivering, tremor, quavering
  101. Convulsive uncontrollable, unsettling, agitating, disturbing
  102. Descriptions account, depiction, explanation
  103. Ardent intense, keen acute
  104. Rage agitation, anger
  105. Suffocated choked, smothered, stifled
  106. Devoured by eaten up, consumed, swallowed up, engulfed
  107. Rendered contributed, delivered, made
  108. Immune safe, invulnerable, protected, resistant
  109. Ward off avert, prevent, block
  110. Rampant wide spreading, uncontrolled, unbridled, unchecked
  111. Banished eliminated, dismissed, ousted, dispelled
  112. Puddle pool, pond, water, hole 
  113. Cisterns underground storage of rainwater, underground, receptacle, tank, basin
  114. Confined limited, restricted
  115. Antitoxin antidote, remedy
  116. Breeding generating, growing, nurturing
  117. Invaluable priceless, valuable, precious
  118. Ravages destruction, havoc, loss
  119. Realm world, sphere, area, region
  120. Occult magic, the black arts, diabolism, witchcraft
  121. Held away ruled, be in command, resigned, governed
  122. Malign misrepresented, smearing, disparaging, derogatory
  123. Lunacy madness, insanity, dementedness, frenzy
  124. Morbific diseases producing, ailing, plaguing, causing disorder
  125. Catalogue enlist, arrange, class
  126. Expression assertion, token, declaration
  127. Gratitude gratefulness, appreciation, acknowledgement
  128. Subscriptions offering, donation, alms
  129. Abolished destructed, abrogated, annulled

Written by: Asad Hussain

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