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The value of the minerals and vitamins for the body

The value of the minerals and vitamins for the body

The value of the minerals and vitamins for the body

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The value of the minerals and vitamins for the body

Chemical analysis of the human body has confirmed that about 95% of its weight comprised of the same four main elements that make up the earth and atmosphere: oxygen (64%), hydrogen (10%), carbon (18%) and nitrogen (3%).

The remaining 5% is distributed differently. The differences depend on the terrain and even vary from one individual to another in the same locality. In the latter case, these are slight differences in the content of salts and minerals can determine the health or conversely disease.

Human and animal body comprising at least 17 major minerals and vitamins 7 necessary for life and good health. They play an important role in human and animals.

Mineral salts. Without a proper balance of mineral salts that occurs in any disease, impaired general exchange. With the help of diet can regulate mineral balance. Most important are the sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.

If a person takes food that is poor in minerals, he feels the need for salt which satisfies, podsalivaya food. Salt is not only the nerves turned stomach but gradually penetrates tissue, replacing potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.. It then excreted by the kidneys, excessively overloading them.

Lack of nutrient salt in the diet may be associated with the wrong its preparation. Especially rich in minerals fruits and vegetables. Vegetables generally boil in a large amount of water, which absorbs most of their nutrients. Then the water is drained, cooked vegetables served to the table. So do not be. All vegetables should be cooked for a couple or perhaps a smaller amount of water.

The lack of mineral salts in the body leads to disruption of the osmotic pressure of blood and interstitial fluid, which interferes with the normal course of metabolic processes.

Sodium - the main osmotically active ion of the extracellular space. It regulates the acid-base status, contains liquid and regulates its distribution in the body, increases swelling proteins and increases the hydrophilicity of tissue. Sodium helps to maintain water and electrolyte balance. Deficiency of sodium in the body can occur in various pathological conditions involving elevated his release if it is not offset by the introduction of sodium chloride in a sufficient amount (severe diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, extensive burns with strong exudation, hypofunction of adrenal cortex, prolonged use of diuretics, etc. .) - As a result of developing hyponatremia. It is accompanied by dehydration. It appears thirst that can only use salt quench fluid. There have dryness and loss of turgor (elasticity) gauge, muscle weakness, decreased appetite, develop nausea, vomiting, hypotension, tachycardia, impaired kidney function (oliguria, anuria, azotemia rise), the central nervous system.

With an excess of sodium in the body can develop a hyper-natriemiya that manifests fluid retention, increased excitability of the nervous system (restlessness, muscle cramps, and so on. D.), Hypertension, decreased renal function, increased body temperature.

Among the foods richest sodium chloride include fish, especially marine, sausage, cheese, cheese, bread.

Potassium promotes the release of the body in the urine sodium and fluid, regulates intracellular osmotic pressure. It participates in the formation of acetylcholine that plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses and. Potassium increases the tone of smooth and striated muscles, affects the activity of several enzymes, has an alkaline action.

Deficiency of potassium in the body can occur with an overdose of drugs and diuretics hormones, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal hyperfunction.

Hypokalemia leads to muscle weakness pain, apathy, lethargy, atony bowels, nausea, vomiting, edema, oliguria, and expand the boundaries of the heart, arrhythmias, hypotension, dry skin.

Many contain potassium vegetable products (vegetables, fruits, especially apricots and raisins, berries), cocoa powder, from animal products rich in potassium most fish, beef, veal.

Hyperkalemia may occur in acute glomerulonephritis, hypofunction of adrenal cortex. It is manifested physical and mental stimulation, paresthesias of extremities, pale skin, decrease the hydrophilic fabric, increase diuresis and increased sodium excretion in the urine.

Calcium forms a structural skeleton framework affects the permeability of cell membranes, seals vascular walls is involved in the clotting process.

Calcium deficiency can develop when a lack of calcium in the diet (starvation, exclusion from the diet of dairy products), sweating, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Calcium deficiency is shown by the following symptoms: weak bone growth, crumbling teeth, joint pain, sore foot cramps, tics or twitches, palpitations, brittle fingernails, tooth decay, tooth pain, cramps during sleep or exercise, pain in the forearms or biceps, numbness or stiffness, insomnia, heavy menstruation.

Hypocalcemia is also observed in the absorption of calcium deficiency due to digestive diseases, as well as the use of steroids. As a result, they may develop osteoporosis, paresthesia, convulsions.

Hypercalcemia observed with an excess of calcium in the diet and drinking water, excessive use of calcium and calciferol. Hypercalcemia manifested by loss of appetite, thirst, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and sometimes convulsions, azotemia. Perhaps the deposition of calcium in the blood vessels and muscles.

Salts of calcium rich dairy products, vegetables, eggs, fish and meat.

To mitigate the adverse ratio of calcium and phosphorus, it is advisable to eat bread with cheese, cereal with milk, meat and fish dishes with vegetables and so on. D.

Hinder calcium absorption in the intestines of foods rich in oxalic acid - sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, beets, chocolate. Lactose promotes absorption of calcium and citric acid.

Magnesium is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, protein biosynthesis, decreases neuromuscular excitability. Magnesium ions increase the inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, and therefore have a calming effect. In addition, magnesium has antispestic effect, stimulates bile secretion and motility of the intestines, helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body.

With a deficit of magnesium is increased neuromuscular excitability, there jerking muscle tetany, anxiety, fear, auditory hallucinations, tachycardia, high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, loss of appetite, painful and cold hands and feet, irritability, poor coordination, processes for bones, loosening, or tooth sensitivity, nausea or dizziness, sensitivity to noise, insomnia, hyperactivity, strong body odor.

The excess of magnesium in the body leads to oppression reflexes enhance inhibitory processes in the central nervous system (lethargy, drowsiness), osteoporosis, paresthesia, lower blood pressure, disturbance of atrioventricular conduction, bradycardia.

A diet with a high content of magnesium is recommended that the tendency to raise blood pressure, hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver and bile ducts.

Magnesium is found in wheat, oats and buckwheat, butter, walnuts, beans and dried fruit, especially dried apricots. Many magnesium in bread from wheat flour.

Phosphorus and its salts are of particular importance in the processes of life. He is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, building cell components, a number of enzymes, hormones and many other phosphorus compounds.

The need in the phosphor increases during pregnancy, lactation, and also for chronic gut diseases - enteritis, enterocolitis.

The greatest amount of phosphorus contained in the bran, cheese, legumes, tomato juice, meat, brains, beef liver, fish, eggs, buckwheat, barley, oats, walnuts.

Deficiency is rare, since phosphorus is supplied from various products and is commonly used in foods in a sufficient amount.

Iron. About half of the iron in the body exists in the form of hemoglobin - a substance which gives a blood red color. Iron is required for muscle proteins and is deposited as a reserve in the kidneys and liver. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

About iron deficiency show pale skin and pale lower eyelids, which is a classic sign of anemia. Other symptoms of anemia: flat or spoon-shaped nails, rapid pulse, thrust to the ice, hair loss, general apathy, lack of stamina and vitality, inability to concentrate, severe menstrual pain, drowsiness, low vision, upset stomach and numbness in the fingers and toes .

Iron-rich liver, kidney and meat, bread, cereals, beans, nuts and green leafy crops.

However, high doses of iron toxicity, can cause pain in the stomach and constipation. No need to give drugs to children (even 3 grams can be lethal dose for a young child).

Chromium is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and also in the formation of insulin. High levels of sugar in the diet stimulate the release of chromium through the kidneys.

When processing of grain to produce white flour lost almost 80% of chromium. From brown sugar after its transformation into the white sand takes 9% chromium.

Symptoms of chromium deficiency: high cholesterol, intolerance to alcohol, symptoms similar to diabetes, hypoglycemia, excessive thirst, irritability, difficulty remembering.

The greatest amount of chromium contained in the yeast, egg yolk, liver, wheat germ, and the cheese grains from raw grains in alcoholic beverages.

Iodine is a well-known regulator of the thyroid gland, which controls and regulates metabolism by weight. Iodine contributes to the formation of hormones, including thyroxine and triodtironin that control the rate of metabolism in the body, which is burned in the body of oxygen.

With iodine deficiency observed: chronic fatigue, poor mental performance, enlargement of the thyroid gland; goiter, irritability, weight gain, heart palpitations, high blood cholesterol levels, brittle nails, dry hair, constipation.

Sources of iodine: seafood, fish, seaweed fucus and other algae (seaweed).

Manganese is essential for normal growth and development, to create a natural antiviral agent - interferon - and contribute to the regulation of blood sugar. Manganese works as an antioxidant.

At deficiency of manganese appear the following symptoms: glucose intolerance, loss of tone or power cords, irregular heartbeat, decreased strength, weight loss.

Many of manganese in oats, wheat germ, nuts (particularly almonds and hazelnuts), whole grain cereals, pineapple, plums, beans, sugar beets and lettuce.

Selenium. A rare and very valuable to the body element. It is vital as an antioxidant and works in collaboration with Vitamin E. It forms a compound with an enzyme neutralizing free radicals glyutati-peroxidase, which works as an important antioxidant. Selenium is needed for the formation of proteins in our body, it supports the normal functioning of the liver and strengthens the immune system. Selenium - a component of semen. It helps rid the body of heavy metal ions, including cadmium and arsenic.

Selenium deficiency causes chest pain, hair loss, increases susceptibility to infections, there is degeneration of the muscles, developing eczema, cataracts, psoriasis, car-diomiopatiya, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, increased risk of cancer.

Sources of selenium yeast, garlic, eggs, liver and fish.

Silicon. On Earth, silicon - the second most abundant element (after oxygen). In humans, it is a vital part of all connective tissues, bones, blood vessels and cartilage. Silica also helps to strengthen skin cells, hair and nails, improves the synthesis of collagen and keratin.

Lack of silicon can cause a weakening of the skin tissue.

The greatest amount of silicon contained in root vegetables and other types of fiber, fruits and vegetables, brown rice, hard drinking water.

Zinc. Most of the zinc in the body is in the bones, but it is necessary to work more than eighty enzymes in the body and for the formation of red blood cells. Participates in tissue regeneration.

Zinc deficiency in children slows growth and reduces appetite.

Sources of zinc: offal and other meat products, mushrooms, oysters, yeast, eggs, mustard.

Copper. An indispensable component of many enzymes in the body involved in the formation of red blood cells. Copper acts as an antioxidant. Copper - stable minerals.

On the evidence of copper deficiency pale skin, visible veins, intestinal disorders. It can lead to bone fragility, graying hair, and low levels in lymphocytes - to decrease resistance to infections. Low levels of copper are rare 'because it is a common element.

The largest amount of copper found in the liver, crab, crayfish, oysters, nuts, whole grain cereals, lentils, olives and carrots.

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