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Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI Short Questions The Gulistan Of Sadi

Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI Short Questions The Gulistan Of Sadi 1st Year English Notes Online Taleem Ilmi Hub Class 11th

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Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI Short Questions The Gulistan Of Sadi 1st Year English Notes Online Taleem Ilmi Hub Class 11th

Q 1. What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?
Ans. He advised his people to avoid cruelty. They should be just and kind to each other. He also told them that the foundation of oppression was small in the world.

Q 2. What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king?
Ans. The physicians suggested that the disease could not be cured except by means of bile of a person having certain qualities.

Q 3. Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?
Ans. The boy looked to the sky and smiled because his parents, the Qazi and the King agreed to kill him. He prayed to God for help.

Q 4. What should be the role of a Qazi?
Ans.  A Qazi should be just, honest and fair. He should not favour anyone unduly.

Q 5. Why did the king weep?
Ans. The king wept because he realized his selfishness and felt ashamed of his intention of killing an innocent boy.

Q 6. How did the king recover?
Ans. The king recovered within a week after setting the boy free. God blessed him with health for his piety.

Q 7. Write a note on the character of Nushirvan.
Ans. Nushrivan was a king of Persia. He was famous for his wisdom and justice. He knew how to maintain law and order in the country. He was very particular that nobody could misuse the king’s name for his own purpose. He was aware of the fact that if he demanded a petty thing from his subjects, his slaves would feel free to demand their belongings. He was against any kind of oppression, cruelty or injustice. People become usurpers if they are given some powers. They can go to any extent by using unfair means.

Q 8. What should be the role of a king?
Ans. The role of king should be of a guide. He should benefit his people by his sources and powers. He should be selfless not selfish. He must have fear of God in his heart. He should serve his people by providing them justice and peace. His doors should be open for everyone. He should defend the country. He should never give and impression of cruelty and oppression to his subjects.

Q 9. Can an unjust king flourish?
Ans. An unjust king can flourish by using force. He can gain only material benefits. He might snatch territories of the people but he can never win their hearts. Flourishing does not mean worldly success. It is the reward that one can receive by serving humbly to humanity. If a ruler is unjust how can he except obedience from his people. They might obey the orders of the king but cannot have good views of him.

Q 10. What moral lesson do you get from the second tale?
Ans. The tale gives us a moral lesson that we should not misuse our powers if we have some. If we get undue benefits, it motivates others to do the same. Therefore, the whole system becomes doubtful and chaos is created. The tale suggests that the rulers must be just and wise. They set the example for their followers. If a ruler is unjust to some extent, his slaves can go to a greater extent.

Q 11. Compare and contrast the three tales.
Ans. The first tale teaches us that a man does not realize the worth of safety from the misfortune until he has tasted it.
The second tale suggests that a ruler must be wise and just. If he is unfair towards his people, his slaves will always be cruel towards them. He should be the role model for his people. If injustice starts from higher level, it pervades everywhere and becomes unstoppable.
The third tale also teaches that a ruler should not be selfish. He should be God fearing, just and kind to his people. God also blesses those who bless human beings.

Q 12. Why did Emerson think of the Gulistan of one of the bibles?
Ans. He thought of the Gulistan as one of the bibles of the world because he found the universality of moral law in it.

Q 13. How did English scholars use Sadi’s translated parable in their divine books?
Ans. English scholars used Sadi’s translated parable in their divine books till it was discovered to be an English translation of a Latin version of Persian original.

Q 14. How has Edwin Arnold described Gulistan?
Ans. Edwin Arnold has described Gulistan in culinary terms as an intellectual Pilaf, literary curry and Kebab of a versatile genius.

Q 15. Why did the king order to pay for the salt?
Ans. The king did not want that it should become a custom to get things by force and the village be ruined.

Q 16. What was the wisdom in the action taken be the sergeant?
Ans. The slave did not know the safety of the boat before facing the danger of being drowned.

Q 17. What would happen if the king eats one apple from the garden of a subject?
Ans. If the king eats one apple from the garden of a subject, his slaves would pull him down the tree from the roots.

Q 18. What would happen if the king allows five eggs to be taken by force?
Ans. If the king allows five eggs to be taken be force, the people belonging to his army will put a thousand fowls on the spit.

Q 19. What did the Qazi do?
Ans. The Qazi issued a decree to shed the blood of an innocent boy for the health of the king.

Q 20. How did the king treat the boy finally?
Ans. The king kissed the head and eyes of the boy and presented him with a lot of wealth.

Q 21. How did the king feel after hearing the boy’s words?
Ans. The king felt disturbed. He could not control his tears. He said that it was better for him to die than to shed the blood of an innocent boy.

Written By: Asad Hussain

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