FSc Notes Biology Part 1 Chapter 7 The Kingdom Protista or Protoctista Definitions

FSc Notes Biology Part 1 Chapter 7 The Kingdom Protista or Protoctista Definitions 1st Year Biology Notes Online Taleem Ilmi Hub Class 11

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FSc Notes Biology Part 1 Chapter 7 The Kingdom Protista or Protoctista Definitions


Apicomlexans are a large group of parasitic protozoa some of them cause serious diseases in man like malaria.

Chitin is aminopolysaccharide. In this case, amide group combine with polysaccharides. It is present in cell wall of fungi and exoskeleton of arthropods. It is resistant to decay.

The multinucleated hyphae that lacks cross walls are called coenocytes.

Cutin is a wax. It forms waxy layer on leaves and reduce the loss of water by evaporation.

The algae in which organism in covered by two overlapping shells are called diatoms. These are the largest producers of marine environment.

Food chain:
The relationship of organisms in which one organism eats and is being eaten by the other.

Monophyletic evolution:
The evolution from single ancestor is called monophyletic evolution.

The bodies of certain protozoans like paramecium are covered by pellicle. Pellicle is composed of double membranous structure.

Polyphyletic evolution:
The evolution of a group of organisms from different ancestors is called polyphyletic evolution.

The Protists are defined by exclusion it means that they have certain unique characteristics. So they cannot be placed in any other kingdom.

A body that cannot be differentiated into true roots, stems and leaves and lack xylem and phloem is called Thallus.

Written by: Asad Hussain.

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