F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Co-Education With Quotations

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F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Co-Education With Quotations fsc notes

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Co-education means the education of boys and girls in the same institution. In every country we have co-education at one age or another. The experiment of co-education has been a success in the West. In Pakistan, we have co-education in primary schools, in colleges and postgraduate classes. In high school, it is not considered advisable to run combined classes.

Many orthodox and religious minded people think that co-education leads to moral corruption. They think that study of the student suffers a set back and the colleges become lovers' meeting places. They still hold the stance that the girls, by keeping company with boys constantly, get de-womanized and become immodest and bolder.

There is little truth in the above argument that cannot be accepted in the world in which we live. Today females cannot be kept under strict control and confined to the four walls of their houses. They have discovered themselves and come into their own. Under these circumstances, it will be insane to shut the doors of colleges otherwise built for boys, to our sisters and daughters who possess the same amount of talent and intelligence as boys claim to have.

It is mistaken to think that co-education will foster lustful and moral corruption. Rather we can say safely that co-education raises the moral as well as the intellectual environment of an institution. The boys begin to behave more gracefully and look decent and well mannered. They will like to appear in their neatest of clothes and act in best of their manners. None like to abuse one another. There is likewise a healthy effect on the girl students. They slowly become more confident and develop soberly beings. In co-education, a sort of healthy competition is seen between boys and girls, which leads to study and finally better results. In short, it is the best teacher of the art of living.

In this poor country, much may be said in favour of co-education. It is economical and accessible to practice co-education in Pakistan. How can we afford to have separate colleges for girls all over the country? It is also not possible to build and equip separate laboratories, medical, engineering and other technical schools for girls. There is an increasing demand for the education of women. Lack of funds, paucity of good teachers, inadequacy of buildings are some of the hurdles that stand in the way of having separate institutions for girls. Co-education is the only alternative to meed this demand.

There are some problems about co-education that should be met. The greatest difficulty is the risk of indiscipline. When young people of both sexes are brought in close contact with each other, there arise some undesirable consequences. But these problems are not impossible to meet. Elders both at home and in institutions can exercise a healthy control on the behavior of their children. The teachers and parents can co-operate to devise some rules to lessen such risks.

We can conclude that co-education may not be a perfect system of education within its sphere. It may sometimes lead to romance and sentimentalism; but that should not scare us. Surely, its advantages are more than its disadvantages. The greatest merit of co-education is that it broadens the outlook of both genders and puts less strain on an economy like us.


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