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FSc ICS FA ICom Class 12 Pakistan Studies Foreign Policy of Pakistan

FSc ICS FA ICom Class 12 Pakistan Studies Foreign Policy of Pakistan

FSc ICS FA ICom Class 12 Pakistan Studies Foreign Policy of Pakistan

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Foreign Policy of Pakistan

INTRODUCTION No country today can think of a life independent of other nations. Every country has to develop relations with other countries so as to meets its requirements in economical, industrial and technological fields. It is thus necessary for every country to formulate a sound foreign policy. Pakistan is an important third world country in its developmental stage. It also has formulated her foreign policy keeping in mind its geography, politics and economics.


Foreign Policy can be defined as :

“Relations between sovereign states. It is reflection of domestic politics and an interaction among sovereign states. It indicates the principles and preferences on which a country establish relations with another country.”


The father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam defined Foreign Policy towards other countries of the world in 1948,as follows:

” Our Foreign Policy is one of friendliness and good-will towards all the nations of the world. We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the policy of honesty and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our outmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed of the United Nations Charter.”


  1. Maintenance of territorial integrity.
  2. Maintenance of its political independence.
  3. Acceleration of social and economic development.
  4. Strengthening its place on the globe.
  5. Keeping cordial and friendly relations with all countries.


Following are the principles of Pakistan’s Policy:

1.Protection of freedom and sovereignty

Pakistan came into being after great sacrifices of million of Muslims ,like any other country, she also considers with deep regard the need for preservation of its independence and does not allow any country to harm its freedom. Therefore, the principle of protection of independence and sovereignty is the corner stone of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy.

2.Cordial Relations with Muslim Countries

Pakistan always tries to establish cordial and friendly relations with Muslim countries. It has always moved its concern against Israel, India and U.S.S.R capturing Palestine, Kashmir and Afghanistan respectively. She has shouldered high responsibilities and used her influence for safeguarding the rights of the Muslims. Pakistan is also an active member of the Islamic Conference.

3.Non Interference in Internal Affairs of Other countries

Pakistan has sought to establish normal and friendly relations with all countries especially its neighboring countries, on the basis of universally acknowledge the principle of national sovereignty, non use of force, non-interference in the internal affairs of state.

4.Implementation of U.N Charter

Pakistan’s policy is to act upon UN Charter and to support all moves by the UN to implement it. Pakistan has been the member of UN since the year of its birth.

5.Promotion of World Peace

Pakistan policy is to promote peace among nations. It has no aggressive designs against any country. Neither does it support any such action. Pakistan has always held that the international disputes should be settled through negotiations rather than non-battlefield.


Pakistan follows the policy of Non-Alignment i,e to keep away from alignment with any big power bloc and avoids taking sides in the cold war.It has also given up its association with SEATO and CENTO and was included in NAM in 1979.

7.Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial Discrimination

Pakistan is a staunch supporter of the right of self-determination and has been in the fore front of efforts to eliminate colonialism. It has advocated the right of self determination of Kashmir.


The guiding principles of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy are rooted in the country’s Islamic ideology, its rich cultural heritage and historical experience. As an Islamic and non-aligned country, Pakistan supports Islamic causes and firmly upholds the above mentioned principles, which hold out the promise of a just and equitable world order in which nations can live in peace and security.

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