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FSc ICS FA ICom Class 12 Pakistan Studies Political Events From 1940 to 1947

FSc ICS FA ICom Class 12 Pakistan Studies Political Events From 1940 to 1947

FSc ICS FA ICom Class 12 Pakistan Studies Political Events From 1940 to 1947

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Political Events From 1940 to 1947

INTRODUCTION The era from 1940 to 1947 is the era of rapid changes. Many important events in the most prominent among them. In the past, the demand of Pakistan was not raised clearly. It was due to Muslim achievements in this period that now we are living in a sovereign and independent state. The political events from Pakistan Resolution to the establishment of Pakistan are summarized under:


23rd March-Pakistan Resolution

The attitude of the Hindus made it clear that the Hindus and the Muslims were two separate nations. On March 23rd ,at the annual session of Muslim League at Lahore, the famous resolution, commonly known as the Pakistan Resolution was passed. It was presented by Maulvi Fazlul Haq. Quiad-e-Azam said in his address:

“By all means Muslims are one nation and they need a separate homeland where they could live their spiritual, cultural, economical, social and political lives independently.”

8th August -August Offer

It was proposed to enlarged governor general councils to include members from political parties. War Advisory Committee was also launched. Both league and Congress rejected the offer.


12th -15th April-Civil Disobedience Movement

28th session of League was held at Madras in which a resolution was adopted on Civil Disobedience Movement launched by Congress.

23rd March-Crisp Mission

Sir Stafford Cripps was sent by the British Government to India, to discuss with Indian leaders, the future Indian Constitutions. His proposal was rejected by both the Congress and the League. The Congress Characterized them us “a post-dated cheque on a failing bank. ”Jinnah said that if these were accepted “Muslims would become a minority in their majority provinces as well.”

8th August-Quit India

Congress initiated it against British, it was “open rebellion” due to which many people were killed League raised a slogan of “Divide and Quite India”.


27th December-Action Committee

It was formed to prepare and organized Muslims of India for coming struggle for achievements of Pakistan.


9th September-Gandhi Jinnah Talks

Gandhi held talks with Jinnah to discuss about the future of India, but no fruitful results came out of it because Gandhi did not accept Muslims as a separate nation.

“The wall between Jinnah and Gandhi was the Two Nation Theory.”


25th June-Simla Conference

Lord Wavell called a conference at Simla. The conference failed to achieve any purpose due to one sided attitude of Lord Wavell. In this conference ,Quaid-e-Azam made it crystal clear that the Muslim League can represent Muslim of India.

2nd December General Elections

Elections for the central and provincial assemblies were held in 1945-1946 in which Muslim League won 30 seats of central legislative meant for Muslims and 430 seats out of 495 in the provincial legislative .Quiad-e-Azam said on this occasion:

“I have no doubt now in the achievement of Pakistan. The Muslims of India told the world what they want .No power of world can topple the opinion of 10 crore Muslims of India.”


24th March-Cabinet Mission

Cabinet Mission visited India in 1946 and submitted its recommendations to the British .As a result Interim Government was formed but Congress and league couldn’t co-operate amongst themselves.

8th-9th April-Delhi Convention

Quaid-e-Azam called a convention of all Muslims League members at Delhi. At the convention every member took the pledge to under go any danger for the attainment of national goal of Pakistan.

16th August-Direct Action Day

League withdraw its acceptance of Cabinet Mission and Direct Action Day was observed peacefully throughout India, except in Culcutta, where riots broke out.


3rd June -3rd June Plan

Lord Mount Batten prepared the plan for transference of power according to the wish of people. He emphasized on the partition of country and told that it was the only solution of the Indian political deadlock. Both League and Congress accepted the plan.

18th July-Indian Independence Act

In July ,the British parliament passed the Indian Independence act which was enforced promptly. The Muslims of the Sub Continent finally succeeded in carrying out an independent Islamic State for Muslims.

14th August -Transfer of Power

The transfer of power ceremony was held in Karachi. On August 15,Quaid-e-Azam was sworn in as Governor General of Pakistan and Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan was appointed his Prime Minister.

“That was the culmination of a long struggle which the Muslims of the South Asian Sub Continent had waged for a separate homeland in the name of Islam.”

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