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Blood of Our Body, Functions of Blood, Blood Pressure

Blood of Our Body, Functions of Blood, Blood Pressure

Blood of Our Body, Functions of Blood, Blood Pressure
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Blood of Our Body

Blood is the circulatory fluid present within the blood vessels. It is highly complex substance composed of a large variety of dissolved and suspended materials.


In adult male the volume of the blood is 5 liters but in case of female it is about 4.6 or 4.8.

PH of blood:

The PH of the blood is 7.4----7.6.

Rate of flow of blood:

The rate of flow differs in various blood vessels. In aorta it is high nearly 400----500 mm/second. It greatly reduced in the capillary which is about 1 mm/second and increase in large vein and is about 150 mm/second.

Specific Gravity:

Specific gravity of blood is 1.055-----1.060. Specific gravity rapidly fall after the birth due to destruction of R.B c’s and is increased when H2 O is lost from the body e.g diarrhea.

Composition of Blood:

If blood is put in a test tube along with some anticoagulant, it quickly separates into two layers, the upper yellowish and Semi-transparent layer is the plasma and the lower layer contains the blood cells i.e 1.R.B.c 2.W.B.c 3.Platelets

Functions of Blood

1. Transport of respiratory Gases:

After inhaling oxygen, it reaches the lungs where it combines with hemoglobin and result in the formation oxy-hemoglobin

This oxy-hemoglobin is carried by the blood to the tissues where it breaks into Hb and O2.

The CO2 is carried by the blood to the lungs from where it passes out.

2. Transport of iron:

Inorganic iron is attached with a special type of protein which transports the iron in the body to various places.

3. Transport of nutrition:

It carries digested food material, absorbed from intestine to the tissue cells for utilization. It also carries nutritive material from storage depots to the tissues cells.


It is the liquid portion of the blood which is about 55% of the volume of the blood. It is mainly water which is about 90% by weight of the plasma. A large no of organic and inorganic substances are dissolved in water. Plasma is composed of organic and inorganic constituents.

(a) Inorganic constituents:

0.9% of the plasma is made up of Na, Ca ions. Which are move abundant while K, mg P and Cu ions are in lesser amounts? The cheap salt in the plasma is the Nacl.

(b) Organic Constituents:

I. 7.5% of plasma is made up of different kinds of blood portions such as serum, albumin, serum globulin, fibrinogen and prothrombin.

II. Simple :

They constitute about 0.1% in this case glucose is move abundant.

III. Product of digestion & Metabolic Wastes:

2—3% of plasma is made up of products of digestion like amino acids, fatty acids etc and metabolic wastes such as Urea, Uric acid and CO2 etc.

IV. Fats:

Neutral fats, phospholipids, cholesterol and etc.

V. Antibodies:

These are the blood proteins which provide immunity against certain diseases.

VI. Hormones:

Some blood protein is hormones interval secretion, enzymes (lipase, amylase, phosphates

VII. Coloring matter:

The yellow color of the plasma is due to small amounts of biluribin, carotene and xanthophyllin.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood against the wall of the blood vessels. It differs in various parts of the circulatory system. For example the blood pressure is normally 140 mm mercury in case where the blood leaving. The ventricles and entering the aorta under high pressure, the highest arterial blood pressure is found during the contraction of the heart ventricles. This is called systolic pressure. The lowest blood pressure is found during the relaxation of ventricles and it is called diastolic pressure, usually in the range of 70---85.

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