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Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI The Hollow Men Short Questions

Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI The Hollow Men Short Questions 1st Year English Notes Online Taleem Ilmi Hub Class 11th

Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI The Hollow Men Short Questions

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Poem no: 10 The Hollow Men (T.S. Eliot)

Questions and Answers.

Q:1 Why does the poet call modern men as hollow men?

Ans: The poet calls modern as hollow men because modernity has bought selfishness with it. Modern people are running a rat race. They have lost the essential values of life. They try to depend upon each other but they cannot make a society. They are just walking statues or robots. Humanity has become a lost thought for them. They have no love and affection for each other.

Q:2 What do we try by leaning together?

Ans: We try to rely upon others but remain unsuccessful.

Q:3 what is the condition of our intellect according to the poet?

Ans: We are dull. Our minds are without wisdom according to the poet.

Q:4 Why does the poet refer rats in ‘The Hollow Men’?

Ans: The poet says that our voices have become as valueless as the roaming of rats in a storehouse in search of food.

Q:5 Why do the poet compare our voices with the voice of wind in dry grass?

Ans: The poet says that our voices have become as meaningless as the voices made by wind when it passes through the grass.

Q:6 What do we lack despite having shapes, shades, and gestures?

Ans: We lack form, colour, and intention despite having shapes, shades, and gestures. We are only walking souls.

Q:7 What is the opinion of dead about us?

Ans: The dead do not remember us as motivated people but as puppets hollow from inside.

Q:8 What is the main idea/ theme of the poem ‘The Hollow Men’?

Ans: The poem is a satire upon the modern men. The poet criticizes our worthless characters. He says that our heads are without wisdom and we have lost the essential vigor of life.

Q:9 What is the condition of our brain according to Eliot?

Ans: Our brains are filled with straw in view of the poet. We lack purposeful thinking and have become dull minded.

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