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Introduction to Windows, Desktop Screen, Files and Folders, Windows Screen

Introduction to Windows, Desktop Screen, Files and Folders, Windows Screen

Introduction to Windows, Desktop Screen, Files and Folders, Windows Screen

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Introduction to Windows

The software / program in computer which is responsible to start and control functionality of computer is called operating system. It acts as a bridge between user and the physical parts of computer. Without an operating system, it is not possible for a computer to work.

Stepping into windows:

MS-Windows is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) operating system. It includes graphical objects such as different types of colored screen called windows and also other objects such as icons, folders, buttons, dialogue boxes etc.

Starting a computer:

To turn the computer on, find its power button from system box and press it.

The starting process of computer is called Booting.

To shut down your computer:

1. Click the Start button. The start menu will appear.

2. Click turn off computer. The turn off computer dialog box will appear.

3. Click the turn off option. Your computer will shut down.

How do I restart my computer:

To shut down and immediately restart your computer:

1. Click on the start button. The start menu will appear.

2. Click on the turn off computer.

3. Click the Restart option. Your computer will be restarted.

Following are the components of Desktop Windows screen.

a) Desktop: After you have started the computer, the area you are looking at is called the desktop.

b) Taskbar start button/ Start menu: Normally at the bottom of the desktop there is a bar called taskbar. The leftmost button on the taskbar is known as start button.

c) Notification area: It is also called the system tray or just tray. This area on the right end of the taskbar contains the clock and several notification icons. For example, a speaker icon lets you view and change the volume level.

d) Desktop icons:  An icon is a small picture with a caption (name) that represents a file, folder, or program on your computer. Double-clicking on an icon will open or launch the file, folder, or program. some commonly used desktop icons are:

1. My Computer: My computer icon provides access to the resources of your computer.

2. My  Documents:  My documents is the name of a special folder on the computer's desktop. It is commonly used to store a user's documents, music, pictures, download, and other files.

3. Recycle Bin:  When we delete a file or folder in Windows. Windows sends it to the Recycle Bin. We can restore files or folder that are located in the Recycle Bin or we can permanently delete them.

4. Internet Explorer:  The icon Internet Explorer is used to quickly access internet.

Managing Files and Folders

File:  A collection of related data or programs/records stored as a unit with a single name is called a file.

Folder: Collection of files and /or folders is called folder.

Drive:  A storage medium in which data may be organized and maintained in the form of files and folders.

1. To create New Folder: 

Right click on the Desktop empty area Or The drive in which you want to create new Folder.

Select the new option and then click on the folder option.

Give the name to this new folder.

2. To rename the Folder: 

Right click on the folder.

Click on the rename option.

New you can give another name to it.


Press F2 from keyboard to rename the folder.

3. To Copy and Paste the Folder:

Right click on the folder.

Click on the Copy option.

Now your can Paste this Folder anywhere you like.

4. To Cut and Paste a Folder:

Right click of the folder.

Click on the Cut option.

Now paste this folder in another location, where you want to place it.

5. To Drag a File or Folder:

Click on the File and Folder.

Press and hold left mouse Button and move it.

Now leave the mouse button.

6. To Delete a File and Folder:

Right click on the File or Folder.

Click on the Delete option

The selected File or Folder will be deleted.

7. Keyboard Short Cut Keys:

Press Ctrl+X         to Cut a Folder.

Press Ctrl+C         to Copy a Folder.

Press Ctrl+V         to Paste a Folder.

Components of a Windows Screen

Following are some basic components of any Windows Screen in Windows operating system.

These are the components:

a) Title Bar:  An area at the top of a windows that contains the name of the file or application in the windows.

b) Menu Bar:  This is the strip below the Title Bar. The menu bar has the program function organized in menus. For example, when we click on File, the different operations that can performed with files are displayed.

c) Tool Bar: The Tool Bar contains icons to immediately execute some of the most often used commands. These commands can also be executed from the menu Bar.

d) Scroll Bar:  The bar on the side (vertical) or bottom (horizontal) of a computer screen window that allows users to navigate up and down (or from side to side) through the window's contents.

e) Status Bar: A horizontal line of information displayed at the bottom of an application window. It reports information about the current state of the program or the data contents in the window. For example, the status bar in an MS Word documents window shows detail about page, section etc.

f) Maximize and Minimize button:

Maximize: The maximize button enlarge the size of the window to the whole screen.

Minimize:  The minimize button shrinks the windows it turns it into a bar located in the Windows taskbar.

g) Close Button: The Close button closes the window.

Working with Windows

We can open any program in Windows operating system using one of the following three ways.

a) Opening a program using Desktop:

We can following steps to open program like MS Word, using desktop. Click on MS Word icon on desktop. Microsoft Word program will be opened. We can use the same step for opening any other program.

b) Opening a program using Start Menu:

We can also use following steps to open a MS Word using start menu.

1. Click on Start Menu.

2. Select Programs option.

3. Select Microsoft Office option.

4. Select Microsoft Office Word option.

Microsoft Word program will be opened. We can use same steps for opening of any other program.

c) Opening a program using Run Command:

 We can use following steps to open MS Word using Run Command.

1. Click on the Start Menu.

2. Click on run option.

3. Type the name of file, which you want to open/run. e.g Winword for MS. Word.

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