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FSc Notes Biology Part 1 Chapter 8 Fungi Definitions

FSc Notes Biology Part 1 Chapter 8 Fungi Definitions 1st Year Biology Notes Online Taleem Ilmi Hub Class 11

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FSc Notes Biology Part 1 Chapter 8 Fungi Definitions

Ascospores spores may be produced in the characteristic fruiting bodies called asci or ascocarps.

Basidiospores are haploid sexual spores produced in the characteristic fruiting bodies called basidia or basidiocarps.

Bioremediation means degrading or removed environmental poisons/pollutants by organisms.

Coenocytic hyphae:
Non-septated multinucleate hyphae are called coenocytic hyphae.

Conidia are naked non-motile asexual spores which are cut of at end of modified hyphae called conidiospores.

Deutromycota includes all such fungi in which sexual reproduction is absent.

Dikaryotic or Heterokaryotic hyphae:
The fungal having two genetically different nuclei are called dikaryotic or heterokaryotic hyphae.

Ecological succession:
The establishment of new vegetation on a barren or rock is called ecological succession.

The eukaryotic organisms which have cell wall but cannot synthesize their food and are absorptive in nature are called fungi.

Those are special hyphae produced in parasitic fungi. These hyphae penetrate into the host tissue and absorb food.

The fusion of nuclei is called karyogamy.

Lichen is a mutualistic  association between fungi and certain photoautotrophs like algae or blue, green algae.

A fungi with flattened head and a stalk is generally called mushroom. These are umbrella like in shape.

Mutualistic association:
Mutualistic symbiotic association is and association between two organisms in which both organisms get benefits.

The body of fungus is called mycelium.

Mycorrhizae are mutualistic association between certain fungi and roots of vascular plants.

The long, slender branded tubular thread like filament is called hyphae.

Non-septate hyphae:
They lack septa and hyphae are not divided into individual cells.

Nuclear mitosis:
In this case nuclear envelop does not break during mitosis.

The exchange of portion of chromosomes of two nuclei lying in the same hypha is called parasexuality. It is present in deutromycetes.

Parasitic fungi:
The fungi which directly absorb nutrients from the living host cytoplasm are called parasitic fungi.

The fusion of cytoplasm is called plasmogamy.

Predator fungi:
The fungi which kill and eat the animals are called predator fungi.

It's a fungal disease and its color is brown like of iron.

The fungi which obtain their food from dead organic matter are called saprotroph fungi.

Septate hyphae:
Septate hyphae are divided by cross walls, called septa into individual cells.

Spores are small, haploid and non-motile structures covered by hard wall.

Yeasts are unicellular microscopic fungi.

The zygospore is a temporary, dormant, thick wall resistant structure.

Written by: Asad Hussain


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