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FSc ICS FA Intermediate English Parts of Speech Types of Noun

FSc ICS FA Intermediate English Parts of Speech Types of Noun


A noun is the name of a person, a place, an activity, a quality or an idea. Noun can be used as the subject or object etc. in a sentence.
e.g process, combustion, Usama, book

Types of  nouns

  • Common noun
  • Proper noun
  • Pronoun
  • Concrete noun
  • Abstract noun
  • Compound noun
  • Possessive noun
  • Collective noun
  • Countable noun
  • Non-countable noun
  • Gender-specific noun
  • Gerunds

Common noun
A common noun denotes no particular person, place or thing. It is common to all persons or things of the same kind.
e.g. Boys, Book, City etc.

Proper noun
A proper noun is the name of a particular person, a place or a thing. A proper noun begins with a capital letter.
e.g. Usama, Lahore etc.

A pronoun is used in place of a noun or more nouns.
e.g. he, she, they etc

Concrete noun
A concrete is a noun that refers to material things. Things you touch, see, taste, feel and hear things you interact with everyday.
e.g.  tree, cloud, toys etc.

Abstract noun
An abstract noun names ideas, feelings, or qualities. Things you cannot see or touch.
e.g. Bravery, truth, joy etc.

Compound noun
A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words.
e.g court-martial, pickpockets, water bottle etc.

Possessive noun
A noun that shows ownership or relationship is called possessive noun. It always has an apostrophe.
e.g. Usama's, author's etc.

Collective noun
A name given to a group of people, animals, or things that act as a unit. Words used to describe groups.
e.g. team, class, family etc.

Countable noun
A noun given to things you can count is called countable noun. It can occur in singular as well as plural form.
e.g bike, bikes, car etc.

Non-countable noun
A noun given to things you cannot count is called countable noun.
e.g. food, music etc.

Gender-specific noun
Nouns which are definitely male or female are known as gender specific nouns.
e.g. vixen, actor, actress etc.

Nouns that represent actions are known as gerunds.
e.g. running, guessing etc.

Written by: Asad Hussain

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