F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay My Neighbour With Quotations

F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay My Neighbour With Quotations 2nd Year Essay Notes Online Taleem Ilm Hub

F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay My Neighbour With Quotations fsc notes

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Happy is the man who has good neighbour. I am such a happy man. I have the best relations with my next-door neighbours on both sides. There has never been any trouble between us. Our life has been smooth and peaceful. We have lived in harmony for years.

I have many neighbours, but the best among them is Mr. Mehdi who lives on my right. Never was there a better man. He is always polite and courteous. I have never found him exchanging a harsh word with anybody. He is the father of a happy family of three children. His wife is an equally excellent lady. They both work as a fine team, and the influence of this is clearly visible on the children.

Most of the quarrels between neighbours are caused on account of their children. The children of my neighbours are nor quarrelsome. Still, sometimes we do have a little rift between their children and ours. After all, children will have their quarrels. But my neighbour never allows these quarrels to grow. Even if our children are at fault, he would admonish his own children rather than ours. Of course, he is gentle with his children on such occasions. But he never finds fault with our children. The result is that we also look more to the faults of our children that of his.

My neighbour is full of sympathy for everyone. He has always been helpful to me. Whenever I have had any trouble, he has come to help me without my asking for it.

My neighbour is not petty-minded. If he does a good turn to me, he never shows it off. He never mentions it. He never even hints how good he has been to me. He does not expect any thanks or gratitude.  He feels embarrassed if I thank him with feeling. But we understand each other well. He also knows that I would never keep back from giving him any help if I can.

My neighbour has a jolly way of spending life. I have never found my neighbour Glum or Gloomy. He is never annoyed. He is always full of cheerfulness and good humour. I may drop in at any time and I will never find him cold. He has a very keen sense of humour. He has many jokes which would amuse me. If there is some unpleasantness in the family, he restores good humour by some delightful remark.

My neighbour is a man of active and industrious habits. He works hard for his children .He is employed in an office, and he does not have a big income. But he knows the best way of making use of what he has. In short, I am thankful to God for having such a good man as my neighbour.

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