F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Some Wonders Of Modern Science With Quotations

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F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Some Wonders Of Modern Science With Quotations fsc notes

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“Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination” (John Dewey)

The present age is the age of science and much of our happiness depends on how man uses the immense power of science. We cannot imagine living without certain inventions and discoveries of science. These things have made life very comfortable and worth-living. Think of electricity, the aeroplane, internet, telephone, wireless, railways, motorcars, modern drugs which have become indispensable for modern man. Science has also given man a scientific outlook which is much important because without it, man cannot make progress.

In the past, journeys and travels took much time. Now those days are gone. The fast moving trains and airplanes are there to help us. The world has shrunk. Telephone, telegraph, internet, mobile phone and the Wireless flash the news across the world in a moment. Through satellites, the people of one country can see television programmes of the other distant countries. The trains, the automobiles and the aircrafts, which have shortened time and distance, are the blessings of science. In any emergency, help can be immediately arranged from different parts of the world within a very short time. In short, we are living in a global village. It can ne aptly said.

“Art is I, science is we.”

On great discovery, which has added greatly to the joy and comfort of life, is electricity. Electric machines have largely supplanted manual labour and are producing better necessities of life in general abundance and at a much lower cost of production. Electricity works our fans, light, our houses, cooks our food and does all the things one had ever imagined. If it stops for a day, life becomes static. Not only, the life of a person but the existence of a country largely depends upon its power production mainly electricity.

Nature is indifferent rather; it sometimes becomes hostile to man. It is too vast and fearful to be controlled by man. It is science which tames nature for the benefit of man. Science has played an important role in the production of food. Due to fertilizers and modern machinery, such as tractors, carbine, thresher and tube-well engine, the production of crops has gine very high. Science has come to the rescue of the poor countries that face the problems of food shortage. Now the famines break out very rarely. Medicines to kill harmful insects in fields have been invented. Engineers have built dams on rivers to provide canals with water for irrigation.

One of the greatest breakthrough was made in the field of medical science. Surgery has made tremendous progress and has worked wonders. It is now possible to operate upon heart and even replace it. Operations of eye, ear and nose are very common. It has also done miracles in the world of medicines for diseases. Vaccination has made small-pox a thing of the past. Many other diseases like cholera, plague and T.B. have been fully controlled. In the field of medicine, science has also made amazing drugs and instruments. Light X-ray machines have been made which can be carried where no heavy machinery can go. We have better chances of living longer than our fore fathers.

In short, science is the very breath of the modern world. Not a single field of human activity is without the function of science. We are indebted to science for modern comforts of life. It has given power and confidence to man and has proved a good servant to mankind. Without science, the world would not ne what it is. There would be no democracy, no idea of large scale co-operation between different countries, no thought of world government. The food that we eat today cannot be prepared in sufficient quantities. Factories cannot cope with the demand for the things that the people need. Infact , without science, life in the modern world would be impossible.

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