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Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI Ozymandias Short Questions

Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI Ozymandias Short Questions 1st Year English Notes Online Taleem Ilmi Hub Class 11th

Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI Ozymandias Short Questions
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Poem no: 8 Ozymandias (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Questions and Answers.

Q: 1 What did the traveller see in the desert ?

Ans: The traveller saw two vast and trunkless legs of stone in the desert. Near them he saw the distorted face of a man half sunk in the sand.

Q: 2 Where did the traveller see stone legs?

Ans: He saw two big trunkless legs of stone standing in the desert.

Q: 3 What kind of expression did the statue have?

Ans: The expression on the face showed that he must be a proud and a cruel man.

Q: 4 What sort of sculptor did create the statue?

Ans: The sculptor must be a skillful person because the feature of the face were very clear.

Q: 5 What was the name written on the pedestal of the statue?

Ans: The name Ozymandias was written on the pedestal of the statue.

Q: 6 What do the words inscribed on the pedestal suggest?

Ans: The words suggest that time is merciless to all merciless. It brings everything to an end.

Q:7 What is the theme/central idea of the poem? 

Ans: The central idea of the poem is that man becomes proud after getting power. He forgets that ultimately all his activities will come to an end. Death is the greatest leveler. It also shows that man is mortal but art is not.

Q:8 What moral lesson do we learn from the poem?

Ans: The poem teaches us that we should not forget the mortality of this life. Time brings an end to everything. We should not become proud of our power because everybody has to die one day.

Q:9 What does the king Ozymandias remind the powerful people of?

Ans: It reminds them that death is a great leveler. It tells them that they will easily lose hope if they compare his powerful life with that of his tragic end. They must learn a lesson and become a humble person.

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