F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Computer With Quotations

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F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Computer With Quotations fsc notes

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When Pascal invented computer in 1642 he did not know that it was a dawn of revolution. It was a simple machine of calculations, almost as big as a room. Somehow it could not attract the attention of other scientists or people. Hence, no valuable progress could be made. However, in last thirty years or so computer has become a part and parcel of human life. Its excessive use suggests that our life is "e-life" now.

Computer consists of three major parts i.e. input media, output media and a central processing unit (CPU). Input media is in the form of a keyboard. Output media is like a television monitor which shows the results of CPU. CPU is the main component which calculates or processes the desired information. Computer is just like human brain. When we remember something, a visual or a related thing emerges on the screen of mind. Likewise, we ask computer to 'remember' something which is lying in its memory. It does so and shows the result on the screen of output media.

In this age of information technology, computer is man's real friend in order to store, manage, process and transmit information. Huge piles of registers can be compressed in a small memory card of a computer. From home to our office, from bank to our business and from bus terminal to airport computer serves us like an obedient servant. So much so, our national defence systems are also computer - operated. Atom bombs and missile batteries are controlled and operated by computer.

On the other hand, any technical fault in computer can being life to a stand still. This is the biggest drawback of its excessive use and dependence on it. Sometimes banking operations or transactions halt, flights delay or internet communications suspends. This may result in financial loss also. What if our defence system does not riggers, on account of computer fault? It seems to be a NIGHTMARE!

Secondly, its excessive use has made people introvert. They used to go out, play games, meet friends and others in parties, in functions or in festivals. However, now they are computer and internet "addict". Similar adverse effect has been observed on book reading. Students do not dign time for library visit because they are preoccupied with computer.

Thirdly, the rise of computer has widened the gap between haves and have-nots. The deprived sections of society cannot benefit from computer, Whereas the haves not only enjoy it but also get maximum out of it. In short, the have nots feel that they have been denied the luxury of computer.

In the final analysis, the future of computer is bright. We will not have to wait for a long time, when everyone enjoys its use. Man may find an answer to its drawbacks one day. People would adopt a balanced approach while using it. They would no longer be introvert or its addict. Our young ones would find it a kind assistant during their education and training. These days are not far off!


  1. it was good but not as for shining students ...no quotation are made in it ..

  2. I hope it will prove good for me thankyou.


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