F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Why I Love Pakistan With Quotations

F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Why I Love Pakistan With Quotations 2nd Year Essay Notes Online Taleem Ilm Hub

F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XII Essay Why I Love Pakistan With Quotations fsc notes

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I love Pakistan more than my own life because my existence has no value apart from it. I love it because I owe my life to it. If I have to give reasons for my live of Pakistan, I can say that it commands my love for being the land which begot me and which sustains me. It is not surprising that a person loves his home and family. It is because he is bound to it with ties that are known and felt by every one of us. It is ungrateful to betray one’s benefactor, So, I never think of feeling anything except love for my country.

The culture and civilization of this country are felt in my blood. What I am is very deeply connected with Pakistan and cannot be separated from it as a part of the body cannot be separated from it without bitter pain. The atmosphere around me is the outcome of centuries of development. I am proud of the cultural heritage of Pakistan which sustains me and my country men. If I disown these bonds, nobody can be more ungrateful. As is remarked by someone,

“More deadly than a serpeant’s tooth is an ungrateful child.”

The Romans thought that the greatest moral virtue was to love one’s country. A person who failed to love his country was called a traitor and was punished with death. The Germans in the 20th century defied the whole worlf20th century defied the whole world because they loved their country above anything else and thought that they were worthy of ruling the whole world. Intoxicated with this idea, they proved to be the most powerful nation of the world. Their unity was without and stain. It proves that love of one’s country gives new personal strength and faith in a higher ideal which lies behind all human progress. This land which is mostly inhabited by the Muslims is a source of inspiration to me.

There is still another reason for my love of Pakistan. Since the decline of the Muslim rule in Indo-Pakistan the Muslims had a very hard time. With the efforts of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, his friends and followers, the Muslims of this country realized their condition Then under the inspiring leadership of the Quaid-e-Azam, they fought for the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being on August 1947 for which we had to give great sacrifices. Millions of people lost their lives and homes. Such a dearly bought prize cannot be neglected. My love has immense depth for this reason too.

We love Pakistan not because it has imposing and beautiful buildings, or it has vast tracts of fertile land and gardens, or it abounds with fine places of natural scenery. All these things are possessed by other countries of the world, perhaps in a better measure and on a grander scale. We love Pakistan because of its men. Men in the real sense of the word make or unmake nations. The wealth, ammunition and landed property do not constitute a nation. Pakistanis are good at heart; they are straight-forward and sincere. They are generous and hospitable. They consider life worth living. They are honest, reliable and trustworthy. Fair in their dealings, upright in their act as, dauntless in their undertakings. They are worthy of our love.

In the end, I should say that I love Pakistan because it is fountain of my life, safety and honour. To have no lover for it means to have no love for my own self.

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